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Tell Congress: Pass the Comprehensive CREDIT Act

Find an error in your credit files? Most people who reach out to credit bureaus to address an error have a less than 2% chance of getting it fixed.

The credit bureaus that collect, store and share our data should be accountable to us, not the companies that use them to access our credit information.

We need legislation that puts consumers back in control of their credit.

Tell Congress to protect your credit and pass the Comprehensive CREDIT Act today.

There are three major credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian and TransUnion.

Tell the Senate to help our farmers

Broken farm equipment can threaten an entire harvest. That’s bad news for the farmer — and for all the people who rely on their crops for food.

Yet repair restrictions on crucial farm equipment are forcing farmers to take machinery like tractors to a limited number of authorized repair shops, which can take weeks and cost a fortune.

We can't let these restrictions hamstring our country's farmers. Tell your U.S. senators to support the Agriculture Right to Repair Act and help our farmers.

Farming tech used to be as straightforward as a plow to dig and a horse to pull it.

What protections do you have from surprise medical bills?

Americans with health insurance now have new protections against unfair surprise medical bills.

On Jan. 1, the No Surprises Act went into effect, banning practices that had previously led as many as 1 in 5 Americans who visited a hospital or emergency room to receive surprise charges costing them hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars.

But what exactly is in this new law, and what does it mean for you? Here are some tips to help you get to know your new protections.

First, we could use some definitions: What exactly is a surprise medical bill?

Oftentimes, people choose to go to hospitals

Stand up against predatory loans

It’s a financial practice so predatory that experts have likened its perpetrators to “bears on a trout stream” — and we have a chance to end it for good.

High-cost lenders, offering predatory loans often with triple-digit interest rates, set up shop wherever they feel they can lure customers into the debt trap that these loans create. Appallingly, they often specifically target veterans — who don’t currently have the same legal protections against these loans as active duty service members do.

Nothing about this practice is right or fair — and a bipartisan group of federal lawmakers

Keeping foreign funds from influencing our elections

It’s illegal for a candidate for office to accept foreign campaign contributions. But that rule doesn’t apply to campaigns to pass ballot initiatives, even though they’re also a crucial part of our democratic process.

We have a chance to change that. A new bipartisan federal bill would ensure that ballot questions are given the same protections against foreign influence as candidate elections.

Send an urgent message today telling your U.S. House representative to support the Stop Foreign Funds in Elections Act.

When we step into the voting booth, we’re given the opportunity to not
